Welcome...thanks so much for stopping by!

I will share about the things I love~as well as gently remind, creatively inspire, and educate you on how important and valuable it is to record the memories of those you love most! I love all the little things, meaningful quotes, everyday moments...the journey. I want to inspire, celebrate, remember. Showcase sneak peaks, favorite images, latest events or specials, studio life, personal life, and the stories behind images. To connect with my clients, friends, and future clients! It's about celebrating family & leaving a legacy. I put my heart into all I do~ hence the line...from the heart! I hope you will check back often, and always remember..."Find something in every day that makes your heart smile!"

From the Heart, Teresa

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer Fun

Summer is flying by! Please view my Facebook page~ link to the right~ for lots of recent session images! We travelled to Cooperstown with my 12 year old's baseball team and then on to NYC for a few days~ it was an amazing trip! The boys did great came in 5th out of 27 teams! We stayed at a lakehouse so my 15 year old fished his little heart out~ and learned to wake board. Now he is at band camp for two weeks preparing for the upcoming year~ he is section leader of the drum line and is on snare this year! And now after a little break from baseball the other is doing middle school football and back to baseball in September. I am trying to catch up from our travels on orders and keep on schedule! Summer reading reports are done~ thankfully! Now it is back to school shopping time! Hope you have all had a wonderful summer as well! Enjoy every minute of it!

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