So we are easing back into the school routine~ wondering how to get everything done each day that needs to be...a pretty common problem these days I think! The boys both love their teachers and their class, we are so blessed to be able to send them to such a wonderful school! In E's class each day they are given a subject or a sentance and have to write a journal entry about it~ I can already tell I am going to be inspired just by looking at the topics! I have a thing for quotes that are meaningful, or that tell a story so one from this week was: "You have a brain in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." I just love that! You can apply it to so many things whether it is work, love, right or wrong~ very profound I thought for a 5th grade journal entry! Ok, just one more: "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Fabulous!
So E's baseball team are 11u now and the tournaments are cranking up! We have had game withdrawal since Cooperstown so we are all chomping at the bit to get back to it! They will be in Lake City this weekend, should be fun! They are all growing up so much and keep getting better and better, we are constantly amazed! Just wait till they all grow into those feet and legs, wow! E's age is his shoe size~ 10 & men's 10 shoe, a little scary! But wish us luck they are going to be fierce! Go Canes!
And now a word about football...wow! G played last year for the first time and loved it~ so he is back at it at school, 8th grader now. He is bigger and stronger, but still not one of the biggens~ so no line thankfully~ those boys have been going up against the varsity in practice, yikes! Can I just say I have never seen such muddy boys in all my life! And what comes with that is the dirty/smelly, blackest laundry you have ever seen. I could pour the water out of his shoes last night, it is just crazy! Our school is building a stadium/field at our home field this year so we can play home games at home~ it is a huge deal for the school and will be very special to everyone, we can't wait! I love that both boys do sports, though it makes our schedule crazy, it is so much fun! We are so proud of them both!
from the heart, Teresa
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