Welcome...thanks so much for stopping by!

I will share about the things I love~as well as gently remind, creatively inspire, and educate you on how important and valuable it is to record the memories of those you love most! I love all the little things, meaningful quotes, everyday moments...the journey. I want to inspire, celebrate, remember. Showcase sneak peaks, favorite images, latest events or specials, studio life, personal life, and the stories behind images. To connect with my clients, friends, and future clients! It's about celebrating family & leaving a legacy. I put my heart into all I do~ hence the line...from the heart! I hope you will check back often, and always remember..."Find something in every day that makes your heart smile!"

From the Heart, Teresa

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So excited I am finally Blogging!!

Welcome friends...thanks for stopping by!

So glad you found your way here...I am new to blogging~ have been doing the facebook thing a while, and just signed up for a twitter account ...see links to the right! It is lots of fun to stay in touch with friends and make new ones! I am blessed with so many wonderful clients I love~ so please keep in touch!

I am planning to write about my photography, what's new & happening, my thoughts, informative tips & tricks, cool websites or links, maybe some sneak peaks for recent sessions, or just random favorite images...so pretty much everything!! Most of all I will be writing to you as I photograph...from the heart!

I love feedback so let me know what you would like to hear about too! I will also post any specials or maybe even have some special deals for those keeping an eye out! You just never know what you might find, so check back often!

From the Heart, Teresa